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Writer's picturealex smiths

Improve Your Syenthic Grass For Tennis Court Maintenance

If you want to enjoy the benefits of a synthetic grass tennis court, it’s important to do your research and understand what makes one system better than another.

For instance, if you’re planning on installing synthetic grass for recreational use, then it may not be as important to have a high quality infill product compared to if you were planning on installing a professional stadium grass field an do right Tennis Court Maintenance Melbourne.

Synthetic Grass Settlement

Synthetic grass is often laid on a flat surface, but it must be properly settled before use. This process helps to remove air bubbles and any loose fibres that may have become attached during manufacturing. If you don’t give your synthetic lawn time to settle, these issues can affect its overall performance and lifespan.

Settling can be accelerated by laying the turf on a flat surface (such as concrete) and rolling it back and forth several times with a heavy object such as a roller or paint mixing tray filled with water.

Tennis Court Infill Products

The infill is the material that fills the space between the grass blades and provides a cushion for players to serve, volley, and run. This is one of the most important elements of your lawn since it determines how far balls will bounce and how quickly they can be retrieved.

If you have chosen a good surfacegrass, then it’s likely that you want to keep it in perfect condition by using an appropriate infill product.

The two main types of infill are sand and rubber granules; both have their own benefits but also some drawbacks depending on your desired outcome:

Sand: Sand has been used as an alternative to clay for decades but tends not to last as long because it compacts under pressure from use over time (such as tennis balls hitting against). If you're looking for something low-maintenance then this may be ideal for you!

Rubber Granules: These provide better shock absorption than sand which means players can play more comfortably without having discomfort when moving around on court or hitting hard shots into corners where there are no spectators sitting nearby; therefore making them ideal if playing regularly with friends or family members who aren't professional athletes yet still enjoy

Sand/Rubber Mix Infill Systems

Sand/rubber mix infill systems are popular in sports fields, and can be used on tennis courts. These infill systems are designed to provide a soft surface for players, but also help with drainage and aeration.

When you install this kind of system, you’ll need to decide on what kind of sand you want to use. You can choose from natural-coloured or black-coloured sand. Natural-coloured sand is good if you have dark topsoil because it won’t show up as much against the dark background; however, natural-coloured sand may cause problems with heat absorption on hot days because it absorbs more heat than black-coloured sand does.

Black-coloured sand looks better when installed over lighter topsoils; however, if your court has already been filled with natural-coloured topsoil then there won’t be much contrast between them anyway, so most people don't worry too much about whether they should use one over another type when installing their courts' surfaces!

Always look for quality products to improve your synthetic grass.

There are a lot of different ways to improve your synthetic grass and it’s important to look for quality products when you do. While the first thing people think about may be the price and how much they can get for their money, there’s more to choosing the right product than just what brand or store has it at a good price.

When you install turf on your tennis court, thus you need to do proper Tennis Court Maintenance Melbourne that will last a long time so that you don’t have to worry about replacing it every year or two like some people do with their natural grass courts.

The best way I know how to find out if something is quality or not is by looking at reviews from other customers who have bought similar products before me (so they must have known what they were doing). That way I know whether I should trust them with my hard earned money!


We hope this article has helped to improve your knowledge of the best infill products for tennis courts. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below.

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